What is 11/5/17???
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hey folks, so i made this video as a response to some of the youtube apostates about my vast apostate army recruitment video.
i'm getting overwhelming comments and messages regarding it and a couple people have called it "the apostate manifesto".
i figured i'd post it here for everyone to check out, i thought you all might enjoy it.
What is 11/5/17???
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i left town after the court case for a fresh start , it was 18 months before dubs knocked on my door , so i told them why i was not interested in their message , aswell as the watchtower payouts in may 2007 ,with gag orders attached , they seemed quite shocked by that but warned me to be carefull what information i read on the web !
i told them that in america they do not make up the news !
they seemed quite shocked about what happened to my child but said it would have ben an isolated case !
So its an isolated case? Does that mean that the situation was caused by elders not following JW policy on dealing with child abuse? Or did they follow the instructions exactly as laid out? If the answer is the former, then were the elders disciplined for their mishandling of the situation? If its the latter, then apparently something is wrong with their policy. So which is it? That's what I'd be asking the brain-dead dubs.
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everyone seems to be making decade lists about their favourite books, cds, films etc.. what do you think are the most important, notorious, shocking, entertaining or unexpected wt articles of the last decade that anyone interested in jw'ism should have read?.
The article from The Guardian exposing the Watchtower's connection with the UN.
And of course the response published in the Watchtower explaining why they did it. Oh wait, they never did bring it up in any of their publications, most r&f JWs still know nothing about it.
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last night i got a call from a chap in the uk, who recently left the jw's.
he wanted to compare notes with his us counterparts.. he said that a few years ago, (i think about 2 years ago) the society cleaned out all the literature from every kingdom hall, particularly russell and rutherford books and anything prior to 1950. giving each hall a computer with the watchtower cd rom for them to use for research.
he wanted to know if the same was done in the states.
Most every Hall I have been here has had a fairly well-stocked library, some better than others of course. At one time I know the Kingdom Hall in Moorhead, MN was well-known for having a complete set of Watchtowers, all the way back. Not sure how true that was, and I don't know what happened when they built a new Hall there.
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apostasy in law.
international law.
article 18.2 bars coersion that would impair the right to have or adopt a belief...including use of threat, physical force or penal sanctions to compel believers to adhere to religious beliefs.... .
Its completely voluntary. No one can force you to go out in service. Nothing will be done if you decline to participate. There are probably tens or hundred of thousand "inactive" JWs.
Further, being a JW is completely voluntary. Anyone can leave at any time.
How's that for Devil's advocate? But the sad part is its all true. Jws are basically in their own self-contained prison, they can get out of this prison at any time, they just don't realize it.
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been away from the wts for 13 years and noticed at jwn many are mentioning its now okay for jw's to lie, if....... its for the right reasons.
like misleading the jw's and worldy people about district convention parking.
to raise monies for the wts.
The simple fact of the matter is the JWs have their own definition of lying, it is giving false information or withholding information from someone who is entitled to the information. The term they use for this is Theocratic Warfare. Try googling that term, you will find several discussions of the topic.
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i went to meeting today.
during the public talk it was mentioned that as far back as 1942 the society pointed out the dangers of smoking tobacco and that it wasn't appropriate for christains.
as usual there were no references given.
Yes it was somewhere in the early 70s where they finally made it a DF-ing offense, any JW who smoked was given 6 months to quit, no one who was a smoker would be qualified for baptism. I'm sure Blondie will find the actual article that stated this change in policy. I remember one older 'sister' in our hall who was DFd over this.
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during conan o'brien's finale he showed a quick string of clips from the past year on his show.
one of them looked like two jws on stilts holding a gigantic watchtower.
i never saw this sketch the first time it aired and i haven't been able to find it on youtube.
Yeah it was an early episode, he was showing off the brand new set for the show, one of its features was a set of huge doors. They were nice and all, but then he and Andy realized, with big doors came 12 foot high Jehovah's Witnesses! Sure enough there were two Jw guys on stilts with an oversized Watchtower magazine they wanted to leave with Conan. It was hilarious, and I saw it too tonite in the clips.
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i am sure this has been brought up in a thread before, but i wanted to know if anyone had successfully won a legal battle against the wbts?
for example, i have read that some of you knew ones that died because they declined having an organ transplant.
someone surely must have at least tried to sue, right?.
Ok, read the posts above yours, they didn't lose the case, they settled out of court. There's a big difference.
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i have firefox and seem to have trouble embedding but here's the link: http://www.hulu.com/watch/118572/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-mon-jan-4-2010#s-p1-so-i0 hope that will take you there.
starts about 13:00 very funny.
"jehovah's witnesses its like scientology for black people".
Too funny!
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